Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New to blogging!

This is my first blog post... EVER! Who knew?! I decided to start this blog to document my weightloss and .... well, so much more. Tonight, I joined weight watchers. Honestly, it is sad that I have let myself get to the point that I need to join weight watchers. Need, being the keyword. I feel like my whole life, I have wanted to lose weight. In middle school, I became very aware of weight. I never, repeat never needed to lose weight in middle school but I was very aware. High school, oh high school. Throughout, there were times I thought I needed to lose weight.
                                                                Two things...
                                         1. I didn't ever need to lose weight. Ohhhhh to be that weight again.
                                         2. All I had to do was think about losing weight and I would lose 5 lbs.

So, here I am twenty three years old. Starting my "adult" life. Andddddd, I am on the edge. Now is the time to lose this weight. I am determined. I have a goal. A mission. And a means to execute. (wow...lol)

You may be asking yourself, what is my goal??? How much do I need/want to lose? Please do let me fill you in.

I am 23 years old. I am five feet, eight inches tall. I currently weight 181.6 lbs (according to my weigh-in tonight). I want to weight 140 lbs. Is it going to be easy. NOOOO. Is it doable (sp?).... YES! I am giving myself plenty of time to accomplish this goal. I would like to lose this weight in 40 weeks.

40 weeks. Seems like a lot. But, I have came to the conclusion that forty weeks is achievable. I can live life and reach this goal. Everything will not come to a stand still. I will continue to work, continue to be social, and continue to eat food... just the right food.

Will it be easy. NO.

Tomorrow, I will embark on my new journey of PointsPlus :) Yes, I am excited. Mainly, because it's a plan and I am a planner. On October 14, I plan to weigh 140 pounds.

I am starting this blog to track my progress and to blog about the journey in between. I am sure I will blog about more than just my weightloss but we shall see.

So good luck to me! I will begin my morning looking up points and grilling some chicken for lunch. The gym will be calling my name after work and a meeting. That's another thing, I am training for the Triple Crown Races (5k, 10k, and 10 miler) followed with a mini-marathon. My first ever, I might add. Soooo, this should help with getting me in the gym. More to come on that...

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