Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 2

So far, so good. Yesterday was the first day of the diet. Honestly, it was really easy. I think weekends are going to be harder than school days, because the busy-ness of the school day keeps my mind off of food. I thought the first day would be difficult, much more difficult than it was. I am starting to get worried that I won't lose weight because it seems impossible to be this full and lose weight. Buttt, I talked to one of my friends and her mom and sister have lost 6 and 8 lbs in two weeks with weight watchers. Sooo, I will trust the system and we will see on Tuesday what the scale says. 

Each week, we are to set goals. This weeks goal for me is to burn 3,000 calories in the gym. Seeing that I am training for the triple crown, I don't think this is impossible but it won't be cake. In the past two days I have burned 880. I plan to workout 6 days a week. We shall see, whatever it takes, I am willing to meet that goal of 3,000. 

Another thing that has me baffled is this- I get to eat 31 points. The lowest you can eat is 29 points. Which sounds like a lot but it's not a ton. I mean I was easily satisfied yesterday, but I also ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. Fruit is completely free (zero points), and most vegetables. Basically all the vegetables minus the starchy ones. Anywho, on top of these daily points you also get 49 flex points. Flex points are extra points to use throughout the week. YOu can split up these points any way you like throughout the 7 days, but once the week is done, the points are done whether you used them or not. This is so weird to me. Seems like a lot of extra points. How are you going to lose weight, eating the flex points??? Butttt, at the meeting Tuesday night, the leader said, statistics show those who use their flex points make it to goal! Wowzers. Opposed to those who don't use the flexpoints, they usually don't make it to goal. Interesting. Very, interesting. She did make a good point. The flexpoints are there so you don't feel deprived. If you don't feel deprived, you are more than likely to stick with the program. If you don't use your flexpoints, you will more than likely feel deprived and want to quit. 

MOving right along to today. Today is a snow day. I am teacher, so I have the day off. It hasn't been horrible, but I have felt more tempted to just eat, eat, eat. I think one of the biggest things to do is fill up on fruits and veggies so you aren't hungry. Butttt, it's snowing and I have a very limited supply of fruits and veggies. 

I hope this diet works. I am committed. I am committed to being in weightloss mode for the next forty weeks. Currently we are in week 1. Although, it would be easy to expect results overnight. It's not realistic. I will trudge through forty weeks. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it! 

5 days until my next weigh-in. I am trying to not get too excited. I really want to see weightloss!

On a side note, it's snowing like crazy outside and I want to go sledding!!! :)

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