Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3.4 baby!!

-3.4 lbs! So pumped!!! I was pleasantly surprised! Sooooo, sooooo excited!

Current weight: 174
Total weight-loss: 7.6 lbs
Goal for this week: -1

First, I love Weight Watchers. In the beginning, I almost didn't believe the system would work. This system is awesome. I am not hungry and I do not feel deprived. I feel like this plan is very "doable". Yes, I do have to plan, prepare meals, track what I eat, work my butt off in the gym, and spend more money at the grocery. I guess that sounds like a lot, but I promise, I am the biggest advocate of weight watchers. Before I joined, I was trying to lose weight with counting calories. It seemed impossible. I felt hungry all the time, and I wasn't losing weight. I felt deprived. That feeling led to tons of temptation to cheat. With weight watchers, I can have chocolate. I can have cake. I can have whatever I want. As long as I track my points. Since joining, I have had cake, chocolate, pasta, and bread. But in moderation of course. Also, my diet mainly consist of fresh veggies, fruit, lean chicken, grilled shrimp, and grilled fish. I just love the fact that if I want a piece of 7 point cake, I can have it. Obviously, this system is not for everyone, but it is for me!

This week, my goal is going to be one pound. I have talked a lot about not setting myself up for failure. So many times, I set unrealistic goals and when I don't achieve them, I feel like a failure and want to give up. With that being said, I want to be in the 160's sooooo bad! :) But I will focus on one pound. I will not be greedy. Although, I want to be greedy :). The 160's will come soon enough. I have to continually remind myself, I am in this for the long run, for life change. I want to weigh 140 for the rest of my life, not for one month. Change is hard. Weight watchers teaches when you lose it the right way, the hard way, you are more likely to keep the weight off. I want to keep my ultimate goal in mind.

I signed up for the mini-marathon last night. I am glad Danielle is running it with me. It should be a good time... did I really just say that??? Haha.

I have been thinking about this week's goal. First, I want to drink five bottles of water each day. I will allow myself to also have diet coke but I must drink five bottles of water. This sounds silly, but this will be challenging because I can not go to the bathroom whenever I want at school. I have four opportunities, (this sentence cracks me up) and when I drink a lot of water, I have to pee CONSTANTLY. But regardless of the bathroom issue, I will still drink at least five bottles of water. This week, I have not been drinking enough and I can tell. I am thirsty a lot. So I will up the water intake. If five bottles seems simple, I will bump it to six. We shall see.

Second goal for this week: I want to burn 2,500 calories doing cardio, lift weights four times, and do abs four times. Life has been kind of hectic. I feel like I leave my apartment at 7:30am and don't return until 8 or 9 each night. Hopefully, when cheerleading ends, I will have the chance to workout RIGHT after school. If I can workout right after school, I will be able to be home around 5-5:30-6 at the latest. That would be much much better.

Third (and last) goal of the week: I really want to focus on eating five+ fruits and veggies each day. I also want to focus on getting a good source of protein. I don't really care if I use my flex points or not, I just want to really focus on getting those fruits and veggies. I am already doing this, but I feel like I could do a better job.

5% goal. WW sets goals for you when you sign up. They give you a 5% goal and a 10% goal. My five percent goal is nine pounds. I am 1.4lbs away from my 5% goal. I would like to meet that goal this week, but we will see.

I am excited to start this week! I went grocery shopping tonight and got lots of goodies. Can't wait to see what my weight-loss will be next week!

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